Exotic Summer Wedding Guest Dress Edit, Inspired By The Art of Embroidery
Recently, while scrolling Instagram, I discovered the work of a group of (mostly) French textile and embroidery artists. Instantly, I was absorbed. What world was this? A world, as it turned out, full of color, fabric, artistry, and stories told through stitches. I discovered tapestries woven with intricate scenes, and dresses embroidered with artwork so beautiful, these pieces looked as though they belonged in a museum—not an ordinary wardrobe. There were also handmade ceramics and fascinating objects: a ceramic dish with a pearl in its center, assiettes hand-painted with flowers, tiles shimmering with patterns from Tunisia. But the textile and fiber art captivated me most, from the lovingly embroidered tapestries to the work of an artist who weaves sculptures on vintage fishing nets.